This survey is owned and operated by Frontline Mind and is not associated with A3.
“This project intends to capture insights from avalanche professionals and back-of-house staff about their experiences in the workplace. The survey findings can inform the design of well-being initiatives and support around decision-making. This project is a collaboration between avalanche professionals (guides, educators, patrollers, and avalanche forecasters) and industry bodies. Resilience Scan is conducted by Frontline Mind using Sensemaker Software and is confidential and free for organizations and their members to participate in. This scan is different from the more commonly used surveys because it is driven by your own experiences. If you would like to learn more about Resilience Scan, visit Frontline Mind’s website.”
“Resilience Scan will take 10-15 minutes to complete using your smartphone or computer. Your anonymous responses are held in confidence, and we request you don’t include any names or identifiable characteristics in the story you share. The findings from Resilience Scan will be reported in an industry report. Initial findings will be presented at ISSW 2023. If you are an avalanche professional (volunteer, employed and back-of-house staff), we invite you to participate in this project.”
If you have any questions about the Resilience Scan, please contact Jeff Montgomery via e-mail: