A3 seeks to further research related to snow and avalanche professionals. This call-out to ski patrol directors and medical directors of ski patrols appears in Issue 39.3. Please respond if you meet the criteria for Lindsey’s research!
Have ever you wondered what other ski patrols are doing with regards to their medical training, protocols, and patient care?
My name is Lindsey Fell, and I am a medical student at Oregon Health and Science University. In my former life I was a professional ski patroller in the US and New Zealand.
I am conducting a research project that aims to compare the medical direction, patroller training, and patient care of U.S. ski patrols. The project consists of a 5–10 minute survey for either the patrol or medical director. Responses will be released in an aggregated manner that will not divulge the individual patrol or medical director’s information. The data will be securely stored on an encrypted hard drive.
If you are a ski patrol director or medical director for a ski patrol, your response and help with the project would be greatly appreciated.
If interested, please email skisurvey@ohsu.edu for more information and a link to the surveys.
Those who complete the survey will be entered to win a $500 gift card.
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your participation.
Lindsey Fell
2022 MD candidate, Oregon Health and Science University
Featured image by Tim Gillin via Creative Commons.