Decision-Making: Dragons
The Decision-Making Series from issue 37.4 explores factors that can affect our decision-making. In his "Dragons" article, Ken Wylie explores seven archetypes that can afflict humans.
Avalanche Airbags: Latest Research
This article elaborates on research that indicates that avalanche airbags can help create air pockets and in turn delay asphyxiation.
Digital Mapping: Do You Know What Your Map Knows?
When digital maps for backcountry travel, it is worth asking a couple questions to explore the potential pitfalls and proper use: Are we making accuracy assumptions when using digital mapping tools? Are there best practices which will help us use these tools more effectively?
Risk Management: The HUCKEM Prompt
The HUCKEM prompt helps us create structured discussions in informal moments. Steve Conger shows us how novices and experts alike can use this framework.
Avalanche Cycle: Colorado 2019
The 2019 avalanche cycle in Colorado was unprecedented. It also presented a unique opportunity to check our understanding of these historic avalanche events.
Human Factors: Skiing One at a Time
We asked avalanche professionals to wax poetic on skiing one at a time, using Lou Dawson's excellent OAT piece on WildSnow as the centerpiece for discussion.
Avalanche Education: Are We Teaching Confidence Over Competence?
Dave Richards, director of Alta Ski Area's avalanche program, wonders whether our current framework for avalanche education teaches students confidence over competence.
BCA Project: “Send and Return”
Aggressive freeride films influence young skiers and snowboarders every year. Rowdy big mountain athletes charge big lines, send big airs, and are sometimes shown outrunning avalanches. Does this “aggro” behavior send the right message to young, impressionable riders?